About Us

Booze Buddy NG is that trusted buddy of yours who you can call anytime to stock up on your booze needs, and you can be 100% sure of prompt delivery.

Having a small gathering at home and your booze supply is low? Call your Booze Buddy now!

Planning a candlelight dinner and missing the wine? BoozeBuddy has got you covered.

Enjoying a quiet family time after dinner and you’re out of wine? We have got you covered after all. The family that drinks together, stays together.

Netflixing and chilling, and the wine is missing? Call up your Booze Buddy to deliver before boredom strikes.

Watching soccer and the booze is extinct? Say no more. Hit Booze Buddy up.

Trying to stay indoors on a DJ OBI Monday night with no drinks? Send that text to your Booze Buddy NG.

There are countless reasons why we need that break, especially at this time, and a trusted plug such as us will greatly aid in attending to your unwinding needs.

Booze Buddy NG also offers amazing discounts on orders and mouth-watering deals. So, what are you waiting for? “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” – the perfect time for a drink.

You can order online directly on our website or on any of our social media platforms.

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